Latest Super Attitude Status For Whatsapp
I never dreamed about success. I worked for it.I speak my mind. I never mind what I speak
My attitude depends on the people in front of me
Its true that im not perfect in many things
but even dis is true that
many things r not perfect without me.
I hate when people look at my phone while I'm typing. It's not that I have something to hide... It's just none of their damn business.
Am Not Special , I Am Just Limited Edition
Stop checking my status ! Go Get A Life
I'm tired of chasing my dreams, I'm just going to ask them where they're going and meet them there later.
Be yourself and you can be anything.
When I hear someone sigh that life is hard, I am tempted to ask, ‘compared to what?’
I'm tired of chasing my dreams, I'm just going to ask them where they're going and meet them there later.
Be yourself and you can be anything.
When I hear someone sigh that life is hard, I am tempted to ask, ‘compared to what?’