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{New*} Top Cute Quotes Ever

{New*} Top Cute Quotes Ever

Love doesn’t hurt, Loving the wrong person does.

I’m single because I take relationships seriously

Never give up on someone you love. Great things take time.

If you want to be TOGETHER. You have TO-GET-HER.

If love is true …it will always find a way

You look past my flaws, and call me beautiful.

We can’t be friends ‘Cause I’m still in love with you.

I love you more than stars in the sky and fish in the sea.

Every love story is beautiful, But ours is My Favorite!

Falling in Love is easy…But staying in Love is very special…

Rose is red, sky is blue, my love is true only for you.

Love doesn’t need a reason. Pure Love will come from the heart without reason. And stay every season.

Love doesn’t need to be perfect.It needs to be true.

Do not argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

A jealous woman does better research than FBI.

Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

The only reason I am fat because a tiny body couldn't store all this personality.

Going to Macdonald for a salad is like going to prostitute for a hug.

आज मैंने मॉ से पुछा : मॉ मैं जीवन में आगे बढ़ने के लिये क्या करुं ?
मॉ ने बडे प्यार से बोला पत्थर ले और सबसे पहले ये मोबाईल फोड़ । मेरी प्यारी मॉ……

I know I’m not perfect, I’m vintage, which means my flaws make me priceless!

Congratulations!!My tallest finger want to give you a standing ovation.

Maths and women are the two most complicated things in this World. BUT… Maths, Atleast, has LOGIC

I always dream of being a millionaire like my uncle!… He’s dreaming too.

I should win an Oscar for acting like I’m busy at work.

The reason good men are hard to find is because they’re usually too busy working.

Fact: You wish Facebook had the middle finger button.

I’m not a vegetarian but I eat animals who are.

You can’t make everyone happy, so today I think you should focus on me.

The voices in my head are not real, but they have good ideas.

If you’re wondering why you’re single, date someone. You’ll remember

Waiter: Would u like ur coffee black sir? Me: What other colors do u have?

The best way to let people remember you is to ‘borrow money from them’

Sometimes you never realize the value of a moment until it becomes a memory

इस देश में तीन चीज़ें शायद कभी देखने को नहीं मिलेंगीं. 1. काला धन 2. जेठालाल की सास और 3. पोपटलाल की बीवी ।

Unless your name is GOOGLE, stop acting like you f*cking know everything.

Some people need a HIGH-FIVE, in the face with a chair.

Pople are like 'MuSic' some say the 'TrUth' and rest, Just noise..

Why is 'Monday' so far from 'Friday' and 'Friday' so near to 'Monday'??..

Life is too short. Don't waste it reading my status...

I wish I had 'Google' in my mind and 'Antivirus' in my heart..

I am Waiting for GF Message!

There comes a point in life, when you realize who really matters, who never did, and who always will.

I miss the days when I was put my head on my desk.

Always smiling, because your smile is a reason for many others to smile...Smile please...

When you care about someone, their happiness matters more than yours.!!

Sometimes you need to maintain a distance to keep them close to you..

Good thing is listening a new song is that it doesn't remind you of anyone...

Beauty is like Moon, looks much better at Night...

Your looks don't make you Beautiful, it's the person inside who makes you beautiful..

Someone asked me How is your life? I just smiled and replied, She is fine..

I don't care what people think or say about me!..

I am learn from My Mistake!Without Mistake We Can't Learn Best.

Love is the other NAME Of Respect, if you can’t Respect your loved One then you don’t deserve to be loved.

Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind.

The good things in life are amazing with you!

I can’t promise to fix all your problems, but i promise you won’t face them alone.

You are my best reason to lose sleep.

I am in love with you and all your little things..

The person who truly loves you will never let you go whatever the situation is.

Love is friendship Set on Fire

I just want to be your favorite Hello, and Hardest goodbye.

Am i just crazy or falling in love?

Love is what your heart feels,

गिले शिकवे दिल से न लगा लेना,कभी रूठ जाऊं तो मना लेना,कल का क्या पता हम हो न हो,इसलिए जब भी मिलूं,कभी समोसा और कभी पानी पूरी खिला देना…

अपून के गली मेँ संभाल के आना पगली ..! अगर पैर फिसल गया तो सिधे मोहोब्बत मेँ गिरेगी।

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